Every brand has an intangible face…a winning strategy of omnichannel presence. Yet in today’s world, every brand chooses an ideal digital platform to communicate with their audience. The evolution of digital presence has undoubtedly helped thriving business feeds on generating engagement. One of the prominent ways they choose is through social media platforms.
Not to forget the massive digital network that has transformed communication for the world. The evolution of the internet has turned out inexplicable. Every corner, be it an urban area or a rural street, they are all able to access the internet nowadays. The reach of digital networks is beyond our imagination, as more people opt for online platforms. Be it surfing reels or discussing budget meets over video calls, everyone is present on social media platforms. Hence building brands on digital platforms is easier and more economical.
One of the best advantages digital platforms offer to brands is the easy tracing of users for future targeting. The advancement of technology, such as social media listening tools allows a brand to develop a solid understanding of how consumers or potential customers think about your brand.
When talking about the mode of communication in digital marketing in India, there is no limit! The majority of the vast and diverse population relies on non-English communication, and so are many of the smart brands. Though certain businesses or organizations usually tend to go for English, the native languages are a preferred choice to hit and relate with a huge target. Under the aspects of sociolinguistics, about 43% of the total population still prefers their mother tongue for communication, right from reading, listening, speaking, writing, or watching entertainment.
The introduction of a vernacular approach is not something new. Brands are certainly aware of the impact of the native language as a mode of communication. If we were to understand the broader aspects of native languages then we conclude that they are more likely to be relatable to the audience, be it rural or urban, the usage of the mother tongue helps the brand develop loyalty and gain consumers’ trust, content creation in regional languages also simplifies communication between the user and the brand, and the recall value of a brand increases with ease.
The first and the most essential step in boosting your brand’s digital presence is by creating a user-friendly approach. Your content should stand as an asset that allows your customers to find you and hopefully it inspires them to convert. A vernacular approach helps consumers to perceive one as a universal brand – that is made for all.
Besides the growing popularity of English communication, a not so surprising approach to native languages has been there for many years. The growing prevalence of vernacular language is a message to the brands to step into the comfort zone as and when required. The modern age brands do focus on a mixed bag of communication. Their search for agencies that offer strategies in both English as well as native languages is quite understandable.
And for such requirements to get fulfilled with utmost efficacy, you know where to find us….