Shilp Revanta By Shilp Group

billboard, creative campaign, hoarding, shilp group, shilp revanta
About This Project

When our client tasked us with making a campaign to promote their 70+ amenity-laden home Shilp Revanta, we brainstormed, argued, discussed, and decided to approach it in a unique way.

Now it can be presumed that an individual thinks about purchasing a home when they are approaching their 30s or more. Since this is the time they are thinking about their long term future, this is also the time when they first begin to think about ageing. Capitalizing on the same thought we teased them with an idea that will capture the attention of a TG engrossed in thoughts about their future with “Feel Great at 70” Leading them to be interested in what can really make them feel great at that age.

However, the revealer takes another route completely revealing that it were the 70 amenities at Shilp Revanta that will make them feel great while also keeping the subliminal messaging that it’s this home that will make them feel great when they are 70 years old.