Rioconn Interactive Pvt. Ltd.

Learnings from the The Great Pause Of 2020

Learnings from the The Great Pause Of 2020

Humanity is facing one of the most challenging crises since the Second World War. This crisis is not only a threat to human health, but also to the world’s economy. Apart from the two negatively impacted aspects, health and economy, there is one more overlooked aspect of the crisis, which is a positive one- Emotional Intelligence.

Revising The Work Pyramid

After a strict series of lockdowns, as the first unlock has been announced, we are breathing back towards normalcy. But are we truly normal again? Well, of course not. As the definition of normal has changed for us, so have the definitions for work-life and business. While we have been making amendments in our lifestyle and routine, we have made alterations in our work life as well.

Businesses work essentially with the 3 Ps- Passion, Process, People; as the order itself suggests, we have been giving significant importance to passion, while on the bottom of the pyramid stands, people. Being a labour rich country, India always had the liberty to keep passion and process above people.

Well, as COVID 19 caught us off guard, it taught us a lot of lessons, most importantly, emotional intelligence. One of the crucial lessons was that even if modifications are made in the supposedly rigid work pyramid, things can go just fine, rather, more than just fine!

Here Are 3 Important Lessons We Learnt During The COVID 19 Lockdown:

Lesson 1: Work Over Space

Our focus shifted from work space to work. We learnt that we do not necessarily need a dedicated space to work, just some motivation, liberty, and a hot cup of coffee!

When employees are given the liberty to work freely, at their convenience, productivity tends to improve!

Lesson 2: Employee Wellness Should Be A Priority

Success is deeply connected with empathy. In a time when death is hovering overhead, we understood that each one of us has the fear of losing a loved one. When the younger generation could not come to work because their parents were vulnerable to the disease, we empathize with them. An employer’s support towards his/her employee only encourages the worker to work harder. Humanity revived!

Lesson 3: Creating Psychological Safety

As the pandemic has caused immense grief, anxiety, and even depression among people, companies have started giving importance to the mental health of employees. It encourages respect and transparency, instead of fear and judgement.

Clearly, the pandemic changed the way we functioned. Now. It’s our time to rebuild our business with innovative strategies.

Moving Ahead

Survival Strategy Or Success Strategy?

According to the rating agency ICRA, it is predicted that the growth rate of India in FY20-21 will be down to 2% from a range of 4.7%-5.2% (Economic Times, April 2020). Looking at the figures, we cannot deny the fact that the lockdown affected businesses negatively. Some of us lost clients, while some of us could not continue due to labour deficiency.

Now, during these challenging times, it is necessary to not just stabilize, but to rework on branding strategies for the future.

The next few months can be difficult for a lot of businesses, and hence, during these uncertain times, it is wise to realign your branding strategies by approaching an advertising agency.

Reasons for approaching a branding and advertising agency:

  • Your Marketing Funds Will Be Allocated Judiciously

The current uncertainty in the market is sure to add to your confusions of allocation of funds. Advertising agencies are well versed in addressing impulsive problems and can guide in terms of the best marketing channels according to the business’s requirements. This will ensure that the funds are not randomly allocated, but wisely, wherein healthy returns are ensured.

  • A Balance Between Philanthropic And Profit Making Activities

Keeping in mind the present scenario, brands are focusing heavily on philanthropic activities. These activities are certainly important as they give a competitive advantage; they reflect the personal values and beliefs of the organization. However, businesses must maintain a balance between both. An advertising agency helps in ensuring that the campaigns are balanced, and the business earns profits as well as goodwill.

  • More Objectively Chosen Marketing Strategies

It is true that businesses are shifting from print strategies to digital marketing. However, it is important to note that digital marketing is NOT restricted to Facebook, Instagram, Google adverts, and other common platforms or ways. Digital marketing is a huge field, and companies need to take professional help in order to ensure revenue generation digitally. Ad agencies have an expert team to ensure the same.

  • Integrated Services With An Access To Experts

When it is time to focus on your business, it isn’t wise to waste energy and resources in coordination. Ad agencies have experts in every field, be it digital, content, graphics or client servicing. This ensures that businesses get the best of everything, and their hard work and energy is directed in the right direction.

This Blog is written by

By : Hemaang Gandhi

An astute marketing & communication professional, Entrepreneur, StoryTeller and Mentor  with over 18 years of experience, hemaang loves writing & expressing his opinion on various topics. Apart from writing some of his hobbies include reading, running marathons and driving long distances and meeting new people.  
