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How Digital Marketing Affects Consumer Buying Behaviour?

How Digital Marketing Affects Consumer Buying Behaviour?

All brands want to attract more and more customers through digital marketing, but how do you think your customers react to it? 

Have I got your attention yet?

There has been a huge transformation in the marketing trends caused by digital marketing. Very few industries have witnessed such tremendous change. Considering 58 percent of the global population uses the internet actively (source: Statista), more and more brands want to promote themselves through digital marketing since most of their target audiences are scrolling on their phones and laptops than reading newspapers or magazines.

Research before making a purchase 

Easy accessibility of the internet facilitates the consumer in researching before investing in the product. According to Boston Consulting Group analysis, 85 percent Indian consumers check at least 2 kinds of data before they buy. In real estate, 49 percent of growth was seen in the search related to affordable housing according to Google internet search data

Convenient access gives power to each user to become an influencer. Since there is so much content on the internet being published by the brands, it has become very easy to research and compare online. More open to experiment

In the olden days, consumers were loyal to certain brands and were quite sceptical to invest in other brands. However, nowadays the consumers have become more experimental. These smart buyers accept better features and facilities with open arms.

Word-of-mouth marketing

No, we are not talking about your family and friends praising a certain product, we are talking about the reviews that consumers add on the internet. They do not shy away from posting negative reviews if the product or service is not up to the mark. Sometimes even your competitors can put negative remarks online to discredit your brand. This digital word of mouth immensely affects the reputation of the brand in the mind of the buyer. Consumers’ decisions have become highly dependent on what current users think of the product. Ratings, testimonials and customer reviews have the power to make or break the brand.

Expect personalized experience

To really stay in the game brands have to really work hard to not only offer a good quality product but also provide flawless customer service. Modern consumers consistently look for a personalized experience. 56 percent Indian consumers chose to pay extra for a customized product according to Boston Consulting Group.

So now you know the importance of the right kind of digital marketing since it has grown tremendously and will continue to, for a long time. The active internet users were almost 4.48 billion till October 2019 (source: Statista) and this number is only increasing by the day. Your customers are, or soon will be searching for you online, so make sure you are there to assist them.

By : Hemaang Gandhi

