The Indian Premier League also known as IPL, is a beloved televised sporting event most Indians look forward to religiously every year. Conducted between March and May, IPL gets a viewership of four...
The Indian Premier League also known as IPL, is a beloved televised sporting event most Indians look forward to religiously every year. Conducted between March and May, IPL gets a viewership of four...
The Internet has come a long way since its inception. Blogs were popular once but with the rise of social media platforms, the popularity of blogs has dropped. People prefer...
Quick quiz for the Bollywood geeks! Remember the washing powder, Rajpal Yadav’s character Pandya used in ‘Chup Chup Ke’? The phone, Shah Rukh’s character Rahul from ‘Chennai Express’ threw away from the...
Let me make my point by talking about something that all “creative” people love to talk about when they have nothing else to say, The Creative Process™. Let’s specifically talk...
Okay, this one is a tricky question and the answers can harm those who are seeking a diplomatic response. Ever heard the term, “Content is the KING”? Well, I wonder, why...